

Citrus Grilled Chilean Sea Bass with Zucchini Ratatouille

Happy day after Thanksgiving. Its holiday season and time to put on the pounds with turkey, potatoes, and pie! Well,  I thought it might be a good  time to think about a delicious, filling, yet healthful meal to  even out the gluttonous nights  .  When you are trying to eat light, it’s extremely important to get your brain to fool your stomach into thinking it’s satisfied. How do I do that? With sabor! It’s all about flavor. I decided to grill a huge hunk of Chilean Sea Bass, its tender white flaky meat is filling and it takes on all the flavors of whichever ingredients and spices you add to it. So delicious and easy to grill, I simply marinated  three or four huge hunks of the luscious fish with salt, pepper, tarragon and orange zest with a few drops of olive oil. Then I grilled them outdoors for 5 minutes on one side and 4 minutes on the other. Done! I decided to cook  up some nice zucchini while I had the grill going , and mixed it all up with sauteed red and yellow bell peppers, onions, and garlic. ( or you can use your pre-made sofrito) The result was a filling, beautiful healthful dinner and we all felt guilt free when we went for seconds.  Salud!


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